I am glad the week is almost over..from Monday to Friday, Husband and I have been attending a course by Next Training. I must say the trainer is much much knowledgeable compared to the Company's principal and what not. Amazingly i never felt sleepy at all and he actually had all the answers to Mr Husbands' 'generous' questions. I pity the Company to have to pay the expatriates tonnes of money but still they could not deliver the knowledge to us who are in need of exposure. But what to do...in the O&G world, what really matters are the number of years of experience. Setakat kita yang 2,3 tahun pengalaman ni cikai je to them, aiyaa...
Apart from that, today i had a great fun hunting for bridal photography session in Jalan Ipoh. This is because the one we had during our nikah was terrible, seriusly i tak pernah tengok sloppy artwork like that...luckily MIL pitied us and sponsored a few other sessions with different photographers ( Thanks a lot mama! ). The one in Jalan Ipoh, Taipei Taipan is marvellous..the sample pictures are romantic and i really hope it could be the same for our session which will be next week, weee....can't wait romantika2 bergambar2....hehehe. Tomorrow will be our invitation card collecting day...this need another post..hmm...i really need to warn others about this card shop... :| Takpela...we'll see the cards tomorrow....then i can comment more.. Even it has been a tiring week, nevertheless i enjoyed the journey with the company of my love ones ( walaupun asyik2 merajuk dengan Mr Husband...x kira, nak jugak jugak!! )
6 days ago