In my office, we have a group called BSC ( breastfeeding support club ) where we we share info and updates about mommyhood. All from breastfeeding to parenting, and to tell you the truth, I learned a lot from our pumping session in the pumping room. Here is also the place where I witnessed these super mommies trying their very best to top up their milk supply by power pumping or eating good food and what not. Some even had to pump & deliver their milk to babysitter/ nursery via despatch aka husband masing2. Punyela tabah n hebat ibu2 ni. Sanggup buat apa saja demi kebaikan si anak.
I am highlighting all these efforts because I keep on receiving questions ' kalau x breastfeed salah ke? ' or ' formula milk xbagus ke? ' from my point of view, it's not about salah ke x, or bagus ke x. It's about your effort, how much are you willing to sacrifice & work towards realizing your dream to breastfeed your babies. If let say you have tried your best in breastfeeding but still it is not enough, what can anybody say anything about that? Takkan nak biar anak Ko xminum susu kan? Harusla beli susu kan.
Yang penting kita kene berusaha bersungguh2 utk mencapai impian itu. Kalau pam seperti biasa xcukup, harusla power pumping every 2-3 hours. If badan rasa xsedap, harusla makan vitamins utk kekal sihat bertenaga. And jangan lupa utk selalu berdoa and cekalkan niat dlm hati agar dipermudahkan urusan dlm breastfeeding ni. I never said this is easy, in fact it's tough even to myself! Tp insyaAllah.. Dengan usaha and niat yg suci murni kita boleh lakukan.. And kepada ibu2 yg xbegitu bernasib baik di dalam bidang ini, jangan la sedih or rasa bersalah.. Mungkin bukan rezeki Kali ini... Maybe the next journey would be better.. Right?
Apa2 pon ingat.. Usaha tangga kejayaan....
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5 days ago
Athidean, Salam... Wow tabahnye!! Takpe ok, mcm sy ckp tu. Yg penting usaha! Kalau ada support group pon, if x usaha still xkan ubah pape kan? Mcm awk xde support group tp sgt bersemangat! Bagus tau. Eh, ape Kate suggest kat Ofis utk khaskan satu tempat utk pumping? Heheh kalau boleh laaaa hehehe. Kalau xboleh xpela, mane2 je boleh ye dak?