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March 26, 2009

~BFF (Part One)~

Throughout my 26 years of life, i dont really have that many long lasting friends which i could really depend on..i have only a few but to tell u the truth, these few are the best friends ever!! Some i met during my uni years while others i met during my working period. I believe quality is much more important than quantity, hehe.

This is Eiza, i met her a few years back in U*P when both of us were actively involved in Taekwondo. After a few tournaments together we clicked and started spending more time together. We would roam Ipoh during the weekends for good food and movies. We have the same passion in sports, so almost every evening we would jog around the uni or just brisk walking. She has the same attitude like my sister but the different trait is she likes spending the time with me ( kan eiza kan ), verrryy unlike my sister ( kan aziya kan ) hehehe. Until now, she's always there for me..during my ups and downs..she would always comfort me and hold my hand (literally speaking!).
In any special events of my life she would make a point to be there and witnessed the events. She attended my convocation, engagement, nikah solemnization etc. Even now, when i am happily married we would still spend our free time together especially when the husband's away ( sorry dear, hehe ). What i like about Eiza is she's very honest ( the hard way, hehe ) and fun i tell you...we would laugh our heads off everytime we spend the time together. She looks tough from the outside but inside..aiyo...very la pemalu konon2 la. Nak tanye directions ke, soalan ke...don't hope! My sister is exactly like this too...aiyoo...

I tried to upload the images of my BFF (Kak Mai, Aula, Norli,Mas) but somehow i couldn't. So it will be continued in Part Two hehehe...soon...

March 25, 2009

Honeymoon in Hong Kong bersama Ms. Turtle Part 2

Haa, ni isteri aku depan Masjid Kowloon

Ni la Masjid Kowloon. Kat sini nampak bnyk pakistani yang semayang. ade gak mat salleh aku tgk. Masa aku kat sana, peminta sedekah pun ade gak. yang jadi peminta sedekah tu org mat salleh UK. aku bagi gak la die sikit. tak tahu la cukup ke tak untuk die makan. kat hong kong ni makanan mahal. harap2 die pandai2 la sendiri kan.

Ni gambo geng tour kiteorg la. Aku dgn isteri aku aje melayu. Aku sorang aje bomoh

Dalam gambo tu geng tour kiteorg. Dieorg muda2 gak. sekepala gak la. tour guide kiteorg tak pandai cari makanan muslim. so end up kiteorg makan benda yang tak sedap langsung and tgk mereka2 ni makan benda yang baunye enak2 belaka (tapi tak halal la).. therefore aku dgn isteri aku fedap. kiteorg pi makanan islam nye restoran sendiri. lagi puas hati. Oh ya, kalau korang tgk kasut aku tu yang warnanye coklat tu, haaa kalau korang jumpa mcm tu jangan beli. Tu lapisan dlm kulit babi!!! Celaka nye Rockport. buat kasut selesa, lawa siap tapak die penuh angin mcm air nike tapi adehhh. buang duit aje beli...

Matahari terbenam dari pandangan rig West Janus

Dengan jumpa org minta sedekah, pakai kasut kulit babi pi jalan jalan and tour guide yang tak reti cari makanan halal best, still aku rasa best jalan jalan. Gambo2 jalan2 ni buat aku makin rindu kat rumah subang, kat org rumah (ms. turtle) dan rumah aku yang belum siap grille kat mutiara indah tu. Sayu aku bile tgh keje2, ternampak matahari terbenam kat West Janus ni. Kalau aku ikut and pi ke arah matahari ni, aku gerenti sampai semenanjung (tempat ms.turtle bertempat). sobsobsob

March 24, 2009

Honeymoon in Hong Kong bersama Ms. Turtle

Makanan Islam di Hong Kong.

Sebelum start aku nak start call Ayul Jackson jadi Ms. Turtle coz die suka sangat Turtle. :) Honeymoon korang biasa pergi tempat2 yang relaxing. Kasi tenang kepala korang. Tapi untuk aku dengan isteri aku ni, kiteorg pergi ke Hong Kong. Hong Kong ni memang sibuk tapi kalau kite pergi dgn org tersayang, pergi mane2 pun best ye tak. Anyway, masa kat Hong Kong ni memang best tapi kadang2 makanan tu susah sikit. Aku ingat dah nak turn to my dark side and support Israel aka makan McDonald’s fillet o fish dah masa tu. Tapi isteri aku ni yang prihatin terhadap Palestin ni menghalang aku.

Meet my new band in Madam Tussaud

Time aku terbongkang tido, die check kat internet yang berbahasa Kantonis dan translate bahasa dlm website tu kepada English. Akhirnye kite makan la makanan Islam jugak. Solat kat Masjid Kowloon. (Honeymoon pun kena solat ek geng). Kiteorg pi duduk dalam Hotel Disneyland, pi Disneyland, naik boat tongkang (haha), pi Madam Tussaud.

Ms. Turtle nari dengan Micheal Jackson time Micheal masih gelap gelita

Ape2 pun, memang best la cuti ni, lagi2 dgn isteri tersayang. Nanti kite pi holiday lagi ye sayangku, ayul aka ms. turtle. Rindu kat you~~~~ Alalalalalala

March 23, 2009

Outing With Mama

Eventhough husband dearie is currently away (sad, sobsob...2 weeks already!!) i tried my very best to act normal. Of coursela, after only 3 weeks of marriage and still in honeymoon mood the husband had to go...hmmm, what to do...i pray to Allah he'll be back soon. I wonder how the wives of those who pemanently work offshore keep themselves sane, it must be difficult!

Yesterday mama (MIL) called and invited my sis and i to accompany her shopping!! Weehooo.. and the best part is, she's shopping for ME..hehe. You see, our reception(husband's side) is going to be in May and i haven't settled with what to wear yet. So this is it! As mama is actually a Mak Andam it makes everything smooth sailing. She already knew which bridal shops to go and she even gets everything at Mak Andam price, SUPERCHEAP. So off we go to Jalan TAR for the hunt of the wedding dress. At first i thought of royal yellow for our wedding theme, however the dresses in yellow were not that at last i settled with...RED! Hehe, red is actually my favourite colour, i tried to avoid red but it seems that i am destined to be in love with RED. Then the hunt continued for another dress which would be worn for the 'potong cake event'. I am not a really big fan of western gowns so i tried to search for something different, luckily mama is in this kind of business..she had lots and lots of idea. Finally, we end up with a long, heavily beaded gold coloured jubah kind of dress paired we a beaded batik jawa. I am really happy with the dresses, alhamdulillah...

My sister really awed me throughout the whole hunting process...being the boyish and not so into wedding stuff girl, she was the one who really helped mama to choose the best dress for me. She has this creative eye and mama instantly clicked with her! Mama even invited my sis to shop for more wedding dresses for her bridal shop..hehe. Aziya, aku tak jeles ok!! :p

The sneak peak of the dresses will be coming soon... Thanks mama, thanks u!

March 21, 2009

Missing Ayul Jackson so much

Tu gambar isteri aku yang lawa lagi comel dan apparently prihatin terhadap kanak2 vietnam. Hari ni dah masuk hari ke-13 aku tak jumpa wife aku. aku rindu sgt kat die. ye la die la satu2 wife cum girlfriend cum soulmate aku. Walaupun kite dah lama kenal dan masing2 sebelum ni ade buah hati masing2, tapi at last, takdir tu menentukan segalanya. Tu la org katakan jodoh. Jodoh ni la jugak yang buatkan aku happy sangat. Kalau aku tahu mcm ni, dari zaman UTP dulu aku dah ngorat dia. tapi malangnya masa tu aku ni nerd. tahu study aje. so aku tak hang out dgn org2 sangat, lagi2 perempuan2 kat UTP tu. so nak buat macam mane kan.

Sekarang ni baru aku tahu bestnye alam perkahwinan kalau bernikah dengan org yang bersesuaian. Walaupun wife aku ni kadang2 selalu tegur2 aku and selalunya aku pening2 lalat gak dengar, tapi aku tahu die tegur tu untuk kebaikan aku. ye la kadang2 aku ni degil gak. tapi kan ,best gak kalau time die tengah bising tu, suara die jadi bunyi enjin v8 ataupun bunyi wastegate tial, mesti lagi best.hehe. jangan marah ye syg.

Apa apa pun, aku sangat2 sayang kat die. Kalau die sedih, aku terus jadi sedih gak. Aku tak sampai hati tengok org yang aku sayang sgt ni sedih. Sobsobsob. Cuma bile aku kat offshore ni, terpaksa la aku sabar, kuatkan semangat. Walaupun rasa mcm nak belajar jadi captain and bawak aje jack up rig ni pi semenanjung.huhu.

Tunggu suami balik ye sayang. Nanti kite spend time together. I love you so much, baby girl. mmmmmuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

This is us!

Hello to all..This is us...Husband and Wife who's constantly away from each other. So this will be the space for us to jot any events, happenings..happy, sad...everything! Life is too short better make the best out of it !!
Husband're MyLifeMyLove...

March 19, 2009


Hopefully i can be consistent and determined...hehehe...hello2.....